Sunday, May 23, 2010

10 peserta Imam Muda Astro Oasis

Astro Oasis berasa amat bersukur ke atas penerimaan orang ramai terhadap program siri pencarian; IMAM MUDA yang julung-julung kali diadakan di saluran yang sememangnya amat sinonim dengan penerbitan program-program yang mempunyai unsur-unsur pembelajaran dari sudut kerohanian dan pengetahuan ilmiah.

Senarai 10 Peserta Imam Muda yang terpilih

1. Ahmad Syakir Zamri, 19 tahun (Kelantan)
2. Muhammad Khairul Azhar Ghazali, 21 tahun (Kedah)
3. Nik Muhammad Adib Md Amin, 22 tahun (Kelantan)
4. Amiril Md Banin, 25 tahun (Kuala Lumpur)
5. Nuri Ali Arbain, 25 tahun (Pahang)
6. Muhammad Asyraf Mohd Ridzuan, 26 tahun (Pulau Pinang)
7. Ahmad Hazran Ahmad Kamal, 26 tahun (Negeri Sembilan)
8. Sharafuddin Suaut, 26 tahun (Sarawak)
9. Hizbur Rahman Omar Zuhdi, 27 tahun (Kedah)
10. Mohd Taufek Mohd Noh, 27, tahun (Johor)

Majoriti peserta yang datang mencuba nasib di empat buah zon sesi ujibakat di serata pelusuk negeri mempunyai bakat dan memenuhi kriteria untuk diketengahkan sebagai calon Imam Muda.
Sepuluh orang calon Imam Muda yang dipilih pada kali ini datang dari latar belakang kerjaya, keluarga, pendidikan, perwatakan, negeri dan status yang pelbagai

Selain dari pengumuman calon-calon Imam Muda, Yang Berbahagia Uztaz Hj Dzulkarnain Hj Hamzah atau lebih dikenali sebagai Uztaz Zul di kalangan penonton-penonton setia Astro Oasis melalui program Kalam Suci turut diumumkan sebagai pengacara bagi program ini.
Rangkaian program-program Imam Muda akan mula bersiaran di Astro Oasis (saluran 106) melalui Imam Muda adalah seperti berikut:
a)Ujian pada 24 dan 25 Mei 2010, Isnin dan Selasa, jam 6.30 petang (Sesi Uji Bakat)
b)Kapsul pada setiap hari Isnin hingga Khamis, jam 6.55 petang menyaksikan bagaimana kesemua calon-calon akanImam Muda yang terpilih ini mengikuti kelas-kelas dan aktiviti-aktiviti mengikut kaedah dan metadologi yang disediakan di bawah pimpinan dan pemerhatian khusus Mudir (pengetua) dan Mudir (mentor) melalui program Imam Muda
c)Jumaat, jam 9.00 malam-Pada setiap minggu, calon-calon Imam Muda kemudiannya akan disatukan di dalam program Imam Muda yang akan bersiaran pada setiap hari

Calon-calon IMAM MUDA yang telah terpilih ini akan dihimpunkan di Asrama Masjid Wilayah Persekutuan selama tiga bulan bagi mempelajari dan memahami tentang hal-hal keagamaan dan kepimpinan Islam dari tokoh-tokoh agama serta pendakwah dan pemimpin Islam terkemuka yang bertauliah dan berpengalaman
Kesemua calon-calon IMAM MUDA ini bakal diuji setiap minggu dengan latihan amali, praktikal dan tajuk-tajuk agama serta kemasyarakatan dan kepimpinan.

Pengetua Imam Muda (dua dari kiri)bersama Mentor dan Hos Imam Muda
Yang Berbahagia Dato’ Hasan Mahmud Al Hafiz, mantan Imam Besar Masjid Negara telah diamanahkan untuk menjadi Mudir (pengetua) yang akan membimbing calon-calon Imam Muda inidan dibantu oleh dua orang Murshyid (mentor) iaitu Uztaz Hj Shahrizan Hj Daud At Turabi Ketua Imam di Masjid Muadz bin Jabal, Taman Setiawangsa dan Uztaz Syed Norhisyam Al Idrus seorang penceramah bebas yang juga pernah terlibat dalam pelbagai program TV berunsurkan ilmu Islam.

Hukum Islam:Pakai Tudung Shawl tayang Sanggul tinggi-tinggi

Mak Aii..dah macam Bonggol Unta dah ..huhuu
It's a trend nowadays that many muslim Malaysian women are into the new hijab wearing i.e. wearing a shawl-like syrian style hijab. I posted on my Fb status recently stating that I too, would want to wear the syrian women hijab style with high bun but unfortunately my hair is short thus cannot tie or do a bun at all.I also received few suggestions to buy fake buns online or at Arzu, KLCC.

I used to study in an arabic-medium school and had learned that when you wear tudung, you're not supposed to show any indication that your hair is long by tying your hair really high/do a bun until men can notice the presence of your long hair eventhough you wear your cover/hijab. That defeats the purpose of wearing a hijab.However, I can't remember the hukum whether it's haram or harus or makruh.

Being curious, I googled about this sanggul arab issue and found the hadith related:

“ akan muncul dalam kalangan umatku di akhir zaman, kaum lelaki yang menunggang sambil duduk di atas pelana, lalu mereka turun di depan pintu-pintu masjid. Wanita-wanita mereka( isteri mereka atau anak perempuan), berpakaian tetapi seperti bertelanjang ( nipis&ketat). Di atas kepala mereka pula(wanita) terdapat bonggolan (sanggul atau tocang) seperti bonggol unta yang lemah gemalai. Oleh itu laknatlah mereka semua. Sesungguhnya mereka adalah wanita-wanita yang terlaknat”- hadith riwayat Ahmad , jil.2, ms. 223.

Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda:

“dua golongan penghuni neraka yang mana aku sendiri belum pernah melihat keadaan mereka didunia: golongan yang membawa cemeti seperti seekor lembu lalu menggunakannya untuk memukul manusia dan juga kaum wanita yang berpakaian seperti bertelanjang, menggoyangkan badan dan berlenggang-lenggok, kepala mereka ada suatu seperti bonggol di kepala unta yang bergoyang-goyang. Mereka tentu tidak akan memasuki syurga atau mencium baunya sedangkan bau syurga itu dapat dihidu dari jarak perjalanan begitu dan begini”

–hadith riwayat Muslim. Hadith no 212-

Yang ini baru lah yang dikatakan memakai tudung dengan betul tanpa SHOW OFF dengan sanggul rambut di dalam !

I would say that I was tempted at first as I saw some women/celebraties/tv presenters looked really pretty wearing the syrian style hijab with high sanggul/bun. Sometimes, bila nak cantik, manusia selalu lupa pada hukum walaupun dah belajar.I am one of them. Astaghfirullahal Aziim.itulah manusia mudah lupa kan ..

Anyway, in wearing hijab,niat perlukah menghalalkan cara? I dare not jatuhkan hukum or say that it is haram wearing the fake sanggul arab.However,at the moment, Lets just forget about buying the sanggul arab thingy ok !

Thanks to Rafizah Md Ripin
Felda Transport Services Sdn Bhd

Saturday, May 22, 2010

5 ways to make extra money

1. Cull through your books, DVD, CD, and video game collections. is part of the vast online flea market that is eBay, but it's much, much easier to navigate. There are no listing fees, for one thing, and while you do pay a small percentage of the profit once your item has sold, it's really quite reasonable.

2. Make those coins count. It's amazing how quickly spare change can add up! So much so that some banks offer to manage it for you by automatically rounding your debit card purchases up to the nearest dollar and depositing the difference into your savings account. There's no reason why you can't do that for yourself:

3. Get crafty. If you have a hobby, put it to work for you. Do you like to make earrings? Sell them on Etsy. Make your own giftbaskets? Got a flair for graphic design? Make your own mugs, T-shirts, and more on Zazzle or Cafepress and sell them there or on Craigslist.

4. Make money by saving money. Raise your deductible on your car and home insurance. Look into ways to save on cooling costs this summer. Eliminate the extras, or substitute DIY versions so you can still indulge without the investment.Try swapping instead of shopping: At, which is free to join, members earn and use points by trading gently-used items (clothing, baby stuff, games and toys) with one another.

5. Clear out the clutter. There's Craigslist, of course, and eBay, but did you know that you can even sell your collections on Yes, there's a fee, but you can reach a huge (and sometimes international) audience. Don't feel like listing your things or trekking to the post office? Donate them to charity and take the tax write-off instead; the Salvation Army offers a guide to how much your stuff may be worth !

Friday, May 21, 2010

Astaghfirullah..banyaknya Tanda-tanda kecil kiamat dah berlaku..adakah kita menyedarinya?

Di hari Jumaat yang berkat ini,saya nak berkongsi dengan musliminmuslimat tentang fenomena yang telah berlaku secara kuta sedar atau tidak dan ia sebenarnya merupakan Tanda-tanda kiamat :


Tanda-tanda kecil kiamat.

1)Seorang hamba sahaya perempuan dikahwini tuannya.
2)Ilmu agama sudah dianggap tidak penting lagi.
3)Ilmu agama sudah tidak difahami dan tidak dipelajari para manusia.
4)Tersebarnya perzinaan kerana mendapat izin rasmi kerana mendirikan tempat pelacuran/perzinaan oleh pemerintah.

5)Segala minuman keras seperti arak, diminum secara berleluasa, peminumnya sudah tidak kenal dosa malah menjadi kebanggaan baginya.
6)Lahirnya para Dajjal (pendusta) yang jumlahnya hampir 30 orang, semuanya mengaku utusan Allah.
7)Ilmu agama dicabut (ramai alim ulama meninggal dunia).
8)Banyak berlaku gempa bumi.
9)Zaman sudah dekat mendekati.
10)Banyak fitnah memfitnah.
11)Banyak pembunuhan.
12)Banyak harta bagi setiap orang hingga tak tahu membelanjakannya.
13)Ramai orang bermegah dengan projek mega.

Bangunan Burj di Dubai yang paling tinggi didunia..

Gambar di atas ini menjelaskan lagi fakta dimana pemandangan yang diambil dari 'the top of The Burj' mampu menunjukkan yang bumi itu berbentuk bulat(sfera). Memang tinggi sungguh. Salah satu dari tanda-tanda kiamat, apabila manusia mula gila berlumba-lumba untuk membina bangunan pencakar langit

14)Banyak gunung digondol dan dihapuskan.
15)Ramai orang bodoh rajin beribadah hingga mudah / senang dirayu iblis.
16)Orang yang ahli membaca Al-Quran tetapi fasik, yakni sembahyang dianggap remeh, mudah dan ditinggalkan.
17)Banyak mendirikan masjid tapi tidak mengimarahkannya.
18)Banyak turun hujan tetapi sedikit tumbuh-tumbuhan.
19)Banyak orang menjadi pemimpin tetapi tidak boleh dipercayai.
20)Ramai orang solihin meninggal dunia.
21)Anak melawan ibubapa.
22)Hujan di musim kemarau.

23)Orang pendusta dianggap benar,orang jujur dibohongi dan tidak dipercayai lagi.
24)Orang yang jauh menjadi akrab tetapi hubungan keluarga terputus.
25)Setiap desa dikepalai orang munafik.
26)Tempat-tempat pengimaman sama dihias.
27)Lahir ramai anak hasil perzinaan.
28)Banyak minuman keras.
29)Ramai orang memutuskan tali persaudaraan.
30)Menuntut ilmu bukan kerana agamanya tetapi bermaksud utk perolehi pangkat dan kedudukan.
31)Ramai kaum suami menuruti kehendak isterinya.
32)Para pembesar / penguasa melakukan zina.
33)Kitab suci Al-Quran dihina dan diremehkan.
34)Tujuan hidup untuk keperluan perut bukan agama.
35)Orang alim (ulama) sudah tidak ditaati.
36)Orang alim sudah tidak disenangi.
37)Orang kaya dimuliakan kerana kekayaannya.
38)Banyaknya berlaku penceraian suami dan isteri.
39)Banyak kematian secara mendadak.
40)Ramai lelaki merupai wanita dan wanita merupai lelaki.
41)Al-Quran dibaca untuk diperlagukan.
42)Ulamak memihak kepada pemerintah lalu menghalalkan yang haram dan mengharamkan yang halal.
43)Rasuah berleluasa.
44)Ramai orang bermegah meninggikan bangunan rumahnya.
45)Ramai orang menjual-beli hukum.
46)Memandang ringan masalah perceraian.

Berdasarkan hadith riwayat Iman Bukhari, daripada Abu Hurairah.
* Marilah kita menginsafi diri sesama kita semoga Allah sentiasa merahmati kita sekalian.

· Semua tanda diatas sudah ada di dalam masyarakat kita hari ini. Astaghfirullah....

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Could Online Hackers Steal Your Cash?

When you access your bank account online you probably don't think that at that exact moment there may be a hacker, somewhere in the world, trying to steal your bank information and your money.

Your bank offers secure online banking, so why should you worry, right?

Despite banks' efforts to protect accounts from the online crooks, hacker attacks remain a serious threat that cost Americans millions of dollars each year. The Internet Crime Complaint Center reported that Americans lost about $559 million to Internet thieves in 2009. That is more than twice the 2008 figure, when $268 million was stolen on the Internet, according to the center.sO,start to feeling worry?..dont be panic n sit back !!here some tips for u :D

How to Help Protect Your Account

Don't access your account from a shared computer.

• Be certain your computer has anti-virus, firewall and anti-spyware programs, including security software with automatic updates.

Banking Trojans -- malicious code specifically designed for banking fraud -- are one of the biggest threats to consumers who bank online, Sullivan says. They are invisible and can steal multiple types of data, including passwords

• If you are using wireless service, check the settings on your computer to make sure the connection is encrypted. Don't connect to your account using a public network, like the ones you find at a coffee shop or at the airport.

• Review your statements regularly and carefully, and report any suspicious activity to your bank immediately.

• Use a strong password with letters and numbers combined. Don't use the same password for multiple accounts.The more questions and passwords you are asked to enter in order to log in to your account, the safer is your bank's website.

Log out after every session.

Hope all the above will be helpful and useful as well :D

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Kebaikan Memakai Tudung dari Sudut Sains

Saya Pakai tudung,anda bagaimana?oklah nak sembang sikit tentang kewajipan orang Islam memakai tudung.Kenapa pakai tudung?Orang yang tak nampak tudung ni satu kewajipan telah memilih alasan-alasan ini :
a)kerana gaya,meniru artist2 dan terasa cantik bila tgk model majalah pakai tudung.
b)terpaksa memakai tudung kerana keluarga mereka semua memakai tudung.
c)memakai tudung hanya kerana sekolah mewajibkan memakai tudung.
d)couple/pakwe/makwe/gerek/boypren/bakalsuami/suruh pakai tudung..
e)ni khas untuk yg ada restoran:pakai tudung sebab takut rambut masuk dalam masakan
ada lagi alasan?meh tambah lagi?

Jadi,Perbaikilah niat anda. Sesungguhnya Allah telah mengaturkan segalanya itu demi kebaikan umat manusia. Ini telah dibuktikan dari segi sains.

Kebaikan pertama:
Merujuk artikel "The Science Behind the Veil" mengatakan 'Ujian-ujian menunjukkan 40-60 peratus kepanasan badan seseorang hilang melalui kepala justeru menutupnya terutama dimusim sejuk dapat mengawal suhu badan seseorang berbanding mereka yang lain'.

Kebaikan Kedua:
V.G. Rocine, seorang pakar otak mengatakan fosforus otak menjadi cair pada 108 suhu Farenheit. Keadaan ini boleh berlaku sekiranya seseorang berada di bawah keadaaan panas terik tanpa menutup kepala. Apabila fosforus cair, fungsi otak akan menurun. Hal ini dinyatakan dalam

Dalam artikel lain pula iaitu Highest Phosphorus Foods di Canadian Neuro-Optic Reserch Institute Online, dinyatakan, "sekiranya suhu badan seseorang mencecah lebih daripada 105 darjah Farenheit, ia amat berbahaya kerana fosforus otak akan cair dan ini menjejaskan kesihatan otak. Justeru, kepala hendaklah ditutup dalam keadaan cuaca panas".

Kebaikan ketiga:
mereka yang memakai tudung tidak terpengaruh secara menyeluruh dengan pewarna rambut,menurut pakar sains ,pewarna rambut mempunyai bahan yang boleh merosakkan kulit kepala apabila terdedah dengan matahari dan kesejukan.haaaa..xsehat la rambut kita kan..

Rambut merupakan aurat yang WAJIB ditutup oleh wanita apabila berada di hadapan lelaki ajnabi. Oleh itu, mendedahkannya adalah berdosa dan merupakan suatu kemaksiatan yang akan dibalas dengan siksaan yang pedih di akhirat kelak sekiranya dia tidak sempat bertaubat.

Allah Taala berfirman, Maksudnya:
Dan katakanlah kepada wanita-wanita yang beriman, hendaklah mereka menahan pandangan mereka dan memelihara kemaluan mereka dan janganlah mereka menampakkan perhiasan mereka kecuali apa biasa nampak aripadanya (iaitu wajah dan kedua-dua telapak tangan) dan hendaklah mereka menutup dada mereka dengan kain tudung mereka dan janganlah menampakkan perhiasan mereka kecuali kepada suami mereka atau ayah mereka atau ayah suami mereka atau putera-putera mereka atau putera-putera suami mereka atau saudara-saudara mereka atau putera-putera saudara-saudara mereka atau putera-putera saudara-daudara wanita mereka atau wanita-wanita Islam atau budak-budak yang mereka miliki atau pelayan-pelayan lelaki yang tidak punya keinginan (nafsu seks) atau anak-anak yang belum mengerti tentang aurat wanita �(al-Nur : 31).

Terima Kasih Guru,thank you teacher,syukran lakaya ustaz&ustazah

Kek yang kami makan semasa Sambutan Hari Guru Semalam :D

Sajak ini ku dedikasikan kepada semua guru yang telah mendidik ku sehingga berjaya dalam kareer ku sekarang ,Moga cikgucikgu panjang umur,murah rezeki&dirahmati Allah
BERBURU ke padang datar
Dapat rusa belang kaki
Berguru kepala ajar
Ibarat bunga kembang tak jadi

Dialah pemberi paling setia
Tiap akar ilmu miliknya
Pelita dan lampu segala
Untuk manusia sebelum jadi dewasa.
Dialah ibu dialah bapa juga sahabat
Alur kesetiaan mengalirkan nasihat
Pemimpin yang ditauliahkan segala umat
Seribu tahun katanya menjadi hikmat.

Jika hari ini seorang Perdana Menteri berkuasa
Jika hari ini seorang Raja menaiki takhta
Jika hari ini seorang Presiden sebuah negara
Jika hari ini seorang ulama yang mulia
Jika hari ini seorang PEGUAM menang bicara
Jika hari ini seorang penulis terkemuka
Jika hari ini siapa sahaja menjadi dewasa;
Sejarahnya dimulakan oleh seorang guru biasa
Dengan lembut sabarnya mengajar tulis-baca
Kad Hari Guru yang dihasilkan oleh pelajar,tqvm!

Di mana-mana dia berdiri di muka muridnya
Di sebuah sekolah mewah di Ibu Kota
Di bangunan tua sekolah Hulu Terengganu
Dia adalah guru mewakili seribu buku;
Semakin terpencil duduknya di ceruk desa
Semakin bererti tugasnya kepada negara.
Jadilah apa pun pada akhir kehidupanmu,
Budi yang diapungkan di dulangi ilmu
Panggilan keramat “cikgu” kekal terpahat
Menjadi kenangan ke akhir hayat.


Thursday, May 13, 2010

Fenomena laut terbelah di Korea Selatan

Ini adalah penomena alam yang paling mengagumkan di Korea Selatan yang dinamakan “Moses Miracle”, dua kali setahun terjadi air surut, terbuka suatu alur daratan sepanjang 2.8 kilometer dan lebar 40 meter yang menghubungkan pulau Jindo dan Modo selama beberapa jam. Fenomena terjadi kerana perubahan kepekatan air laut.

Fenomena ini sebenarnya telah lama di ketahui oleh orang Korea tetapi tidak di hebahkan hinggalah pada tahun 1975, duta besar Peranchis iaitu Mr. Pierre Randi berkunjung ke negara itu dan merasa takjub dengan fenomena berkenaan dan menghebahkannya di suratkhabar Peranchis.

Siap bawa bendera lagi ,so sesiapa yang nak visit korea ,pastikan anda jgn lepaskan peluang melalui terbelah ini ok!
Subhanallah yan menjadikan alam semesta...


World's Strangest Buildings

Between all the bubbly novelties that went up in pre-Olympics Beijing, and Dubai’s feverish invention over the past decade, nothing should surprise us. Except that some buildings still do. And these eccentric edifices, breathtaking in their strangeness, are worth a detour—if only to ginger up your worldview a bit.

Selfridges Department Store
Birmingham, England

Ontario College of Art and Design
This crossword puzzle checked box appears, at a distance, to be hovering Close Encounters–style above an otherwise mundane Toronto neighborhood
Ramot Polin Apartments
Jerusalem, Israel
Polish-born architect Zvi Hecker’s experiment in multi-unit residential construction is not as well known as the Habitat housing Moshe Safdie designed for Expo 67 in Montreal, but at 720 units is much larger.
Designed by Jiang Huan Cheng of the Shanghai Modern Architectural Design Co. and completed in 1995, it stands 1,535 feet tall and is easily the world’s greatest assemblage of habitable disco balls (11!), housing several sightseeing observatories, a revolving restaurant, and a “space hotel

Spittelau District Heating Plant
Vienna, Austria

Highly eccentric painter and architect Friedensreich Hundertwasser, fond of bright colors, crooked lines, and overall visual cacophony, designed this garbage-burning heating plant on the Donau Canal to look like Vienna’s answer to the Magic Kingdom

Elbe Philharmonic
Hamburg, Germany

What’s really freakish here is the contrast between the new building—a liquidy-looking glass thingamajig—and the old building it uses for its podium: a stolid, workaday 1960s waterfront warehouse.

The Atomium
Brussels, Belgium

A 1958 World’s Fair leftover, the Atomium is far more eccentric than the 1964 Unisphere in New York or the 1962 Space Needle in Seattle

How many wiggies??

Ok my fren,kengkawan n sahabat handai,mari kita jawab teka teki menguji IQ kita sekarang,ahaa berdasarkan picture di atas.. u all rasa berapa wiggies yang terdapat di situ?..

Cuba cepat cepat tAU,50 orang je yg dpt teka betul encik nuffnang bagi hadiah :D ,inilah tugasan baru yang dikeluarkan oleh projectalpha untuk week kali ini..
Mak aii.. naik juling jugak mata saya bile counting kesemua wiggies yang terdapat dalam picture yang diberi...

1..2..3..4...ok ok boley ni ...teruskan...

woopps!!kira balik aii tak hengat pulaks.. 50..51..52..53..uiks! terkira yang dah dikira tadi!
setelah letih mengira akhirnya..jeng jeng jeng!!

220 wiggies!!

yang dapat saya kira di picture diatas! okeh, saya cabar u all pula.. cuba kira! berapa yang u all dapat!!

sambil kira..sambil la enjoy video dibawah ni eh...

Project Alpha Season 2 is presented by Adidas Action 3 and supported by P1 and MAS.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

9 types of bloggers

1. Speedlinker: Roundups, Comments, Trackbacks, etc of interesting posts. E.g.

2. Quoter: Blockquoting an interesting point of view, extract or news snippet and add a short bit of opinion and sourcing information. E.g. Susan Mernet’s “Quote of the Day”.

3. Entertainer: Amusing video, cartoon, image or joke. E.g.,

4. Questioner: On-topic, interesting and conversation generating question. Insightful and interactive.

5. Updater: Ongoing project statistics or status.

6. Newsreader: Interesting news from press releases or grapevine. E.g.

7. Recycler: Dragging out some old goodies from the archives and reposting them for your new readers. (Collis didn’t have any example here, so I’ve added one. This “recycler” is a good online friend of mine. Her blog, a model for me at one point, also contains other types of posts.)

8. Guest-Poster: Your guest gets an extra plug, you get a day off and your readers get some variety.

9. Announcer: Own local blog news, short and sweet. E.g. what you plan to do, a new competition, reset of top commenters.

NINE TYPES OF BLOGGERS (slightly adapted from Collis’ 9 Essential Posts Every Blogger Should Know About, thanks, Lucas):

Monday, May 10, 2010

Kenny Sia for the Adidas Ole KO Challenge!

Another round of long awaited easily way of Instant cash blogging is here again.
Again im going to share my entry for The Project Alpha bloggers!!•The Season 1 & Season 2 bloggers will be playing futsal one-on-one at the Adidas Ole KO road show at Centre Court, Mid Valley Megamall, Friday May 21, 7.30pm!

Its better to choose Guys@men play Futsal rather than Girls rite? Guys got more energy,strength and stamina. As a result ,most of men are able to get agility in sports.
which blogger would win the challenge?Jeng jeng jeng...this is quite tricky but im not afraid to chocce is brother kenny sia from season 1...check out his awesome pic below..tadaaa!!

Why he should win?Well,lets figure out!!
a)first n foremost,normally people want to look the winner should be a male,
b)He can engage with a healthy sports like a futsal tournament
c)He is well-talented to promote sports and healthy living in Malaysia and talking about
he best of physical fitness which can also prevent or treat many chronic health
conditions brought on by unhealthy lifestyle or aging.
e)Because of this futsal,who knows that one day kenny sia will opening a futsal centre exclusive for bloggers of Asia!
f)Last but not least,he looks gorgeous and tougher in his pic above and showing that now
he opened level up fitness.Wah ...(im sure that Kenny Sia will flying up the sky because
of my lovely words ,ahaha)

episode 18 season 2
i dont like football that much, but its arsenal vs chealsea i think,huhu....

episode 19 season 2
last day on london, can we just stay alil bit longer plisss???

episode 20 season 2
meet ringo aka cheesie from

episode 21 season 2
skatin @ sunway....

Project Alpha Season 2 is presented by Adidas Action 3 and supported by P1 and MAS. Catch the Project Alpha bloggers at the Adidas Ole KO road show at Centre Court, Mid Valley Megamall, Friday 21 May at 7.30pm!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Chelsea Winner EPL,are they deserve for it?

HE walked into the Press conference wearing a Chelsea shirt and with a blue and white scarf round his neck.
He looked round him and said: "I need some easy questions, please, my level of wine is quite high."

Someone then placed a glass of red in front of him.

He took a sip, grimaced and said: "That is very s*** wine. Sorry! I mean that is very cheap wine."

No doubt, someone managed to pour a decent claret for him sometime last night.

WINNING SMILE ... Carlo clutches the Prem trophy
Meanwhile, up and down the Kings Road they were already toasting his name.

As we were only saying the other day: Jose who?

Now it's Ancelotti, the man from Parma, who is Chelsea's big cheese. Il Gran Parmigiano.

Victory over Portsmouth in next week's FA Cup final and it will be the Full Monty for Carlo in his first season. And what a way to win the title.

As the third Chelsea goal went in, they passed Manchester United's Premier League record of 97 goals to launch 40,000 fans into an old-fashioned knees-up to the sound of "And now you're going to beleeeeve us, we're going to win the league."

As the fifth hit the back of the net, it was 100 - some 28 more than Mourinho's side had managed in both their title seasons.

At this point, Didier Drogba was being mobbed by Frank Lampard, Nicolas Anelka and Ashley Cole while Ancelotti and Ray Wilkins were doing a jig on the touchline that might have even embarrassed Alex Ferguson.

Up in the stand, Roman Abramovich was punching the air. And still they hadn't had enough.

In the end, they settled for eight in a season where they had already scored three six times, four three times, five twice and seven three times.

What's wrong with six, though, boys? Something to work on there next season. As the seventh went in, Wigan sent on Moses. But Chelsea had been in the Promised Land for some time already.

As the cheers of "Boring, Boring" Chelsea turned into "Carlo, Carlo, give us a wave", Ray Wilkins tapped his boss on the shoulder.

As the penny dropped, Ancelotti waved before striking a boxer's pose.

And what a knockout season for the Parma pugilist. He was brought in to win the Champions League, the one jewel missing in Abramovic's crown.

When former boss Mourinho ended that dream at the last-16 stage, the Russian billionaire went into a sulk, descending on the training ground with a couple of henchmen and delivering a coating.

Now his club are just seven days away from their first Double.

Victory over Pompey and Ancelotti will be up there with Bill Nicholson, Bertie Mee, Kenny Dalglish, Ferguson (three times) and Arsene Wenger (twice).

As for Fergie, his United side gave it their best shot with four goals of their own against Stoke at Old Trafford - but it still wasn't enough to stop the title returning south. Had they managed just one more victory - winning 1-0 at Burnley in their second game of the season rather than losing 1-0, perhaps - the championship would have been United's for a record 19th time and Liverpool WOULD have been knocked off their perch.

And few would have argued against it being the greatest triumph of Ferguson's career with no Cristiano Ronaldo, no Owen Hargreaves, almost no Rio Ferdinand and with Wayne Rooney practically having to operate on his own up front.

Instead, though, the Blue flag flies high over English football once more.

And rightly so.

No, it hasn't been the greatest season with Chelsea's tally of six defeats the most by a championship-winning side since United in 2000-2001.
But when it mattered, especially in the aftermath of their Champions League exit, they showed the resilience of champions.

Eight wins in nine and an astonishing 36 goals.

But the true sign of champions came in their six games against United, Arsenal and Liverpool - six wins, 18 points, 12 goals for and just one against.

The previous season they had won just one of the corresponding fixtures.

That is the difference Ancelotti has made. Along with the ability to defuse the scandals that have surrounded both John Terry and Ashley Cole.

If he doesn't get excited on the touchline, he's not going to overreact to headlines within the confines of a training camp.

But his greatest achievement has probably been in making the Blues more user-friendly.

Even with Mourinho long gone, Abramovich was aware Chelsea were hardly the most popular club in the world.

The message was passed on down the line that he wanted to see a smile on people's faces.

His manager has certainly achieved that.

No, he may not have an Armani overcoat like Mourinho. Or a scarf with a special knot like Roberto Mancini. Or Don Fabio's specs.

But he still has the most important style of all. A winning one.

Read more:

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Sayang mak :D

Selamat hari ibu buat semua mak,ummi,ibu,mama,momma,mummy,mek,bonda,

Bile menjelang Hari ibu terus teringat satu hadis Rasulullah S.A.W,akhirnya jumpa hadis ini dalam
Dari Abu Hurairah R.A: Datang seorang menemui Rasulullah S.A.W dia bertanya, “Wahai Rasulullah, siapakah orang yang paling layak untuk bergaul dengan paling baiknya?” “Ibumu” Baginda S.A.W menjawab, “Kemudian siapa?”, “Ibumu”, “Kemudian setelahnya siapa?”, “Ibumu”. Untuk kali berikutnya orang itu bertanya lagi, “Kemudian siapa?” “Ayahmu” jawab Baginda Rasulullah S.A.W.

3kali ibu disebut dalam hadis tersebut.Ini bermakna pentingnya kita berbuat baik dengan ibu kita walaupun kadang-kadang ada saja konflik atau perbezaan pendapat kita dengan ibu kita. Ibarat air dicincang takkan putus..dan yang paling penting..Syurga kan di bawah telapak kaki ibu :D ,jadi marilah kita sama-sama memberi HADIAH TERBAIK buat ibu kita iaitu dengan doa ikhlas seorang anak kepada ibunya .
Amiin...Berbuat baiklah dengan kedua ibu bapa kita sewaktu hayat mereka kerana keredhaan Allah datang selepas keredhaan kedua ibubapanya!

Special dedicated to my beloved Mak,thanks for your greatest love. Will making a mothers day kring kring call tomorrow for u.Deep in my heart saying i cant wait to see u this coming school holiday :D
Last but not least,dun ever forget to say these magic words to ur mum ,tomorrow :D

Friday, May 7, 2010

10 Worst Mother's Day Gifts!

An e-card
While they used to be something of a novelty, these days, nothing says, “I wanted to exert the least amount of energy possible while still maintaining decorum” like a digital message sent at the last possible moment.
Okay, yes, somewhere out there is a mother who would love one, if not all, of these gifts, but by and large, the rest of us would be thrilled if you'd avoid them.

Things she has no interest in
Tickets to a Jonas Brother’s concert? Only if Mom lives for “Lines, Vines, and Trying Times.” Use the same logic for everything from X-Box games to power tools—if you want it more than she does, think of something else.
Okay, yes, somewhere out there is a mother who would love one, if not all, of these gifts, but by and large, the rest of us would be thrilled if you'd avoid them.
Cutesy jewelry
While a classic bracelet or earrings are welcome and wonderful, anything that looks like it was designed for the kids (or, well, kids who ride Harley’s in Vegas) can stay in the store.
Okay, yes, somewhere out there is a mother who would love one, if not all, of these gifts, but by and large, the rest of us would be thrilled if you'd avoid them.

Hint gifts
Unless Mom has mentioned that she would really love a little help with her weight, her acne or her facial hair, please stay away from anything designed to let her know where she could use a little improvement.
Okay, yes, somewhere out there is a mother who would love one, if not all, of these gifts, but by and large, the rest of us would be thrilled if you'd avoid them.
Gender neutralizing sleepwear
Granny jammies, Snuggies, and/or anything designed to make her look more like stuffed toy than a woman are a bad idea. Especially in May.
Okay, yes, somewhere out there is a mother who would love one, if not all, of these gifts, but by and large, the rest of us would be thrilled if you'd avoid them.

Cleaning products

Unless the mom in question has specifically said, “Honey, all I want for Mother’s Day is something that will make these floors SPARKLE!” stay away from gifts that help her with the drudgery of housework.
Okay, yes, somewhere out there is a mother who would love one, if not all, of these gifts, but by and large, the rest of us would be thrilled if you'd avoid them.
Coupons for favors
Call us old-fashioned, but washing dishes, folding the laundry, and cleaning the yard are family chores that should be shared by everyone, not “gifts” for mom.
Okay, yes, somewhere out there is a mother who would love one, if not all, of these gifts, but by and large, the rest of us would be thrilled if you'd avoid them.

Oof. While some moms have Hallmark holiday allergies, most would like a little recognition on the day. It doesn’t take longer than 15 minutes to make a card of your own if you managed to forget—just grab paper and a Sharpie and write down why you love her.
Okay, yes, somewhere out there is a mother who would love one, if not all, of these gifts, but by and large, the rest of us would be thrilled if you'd avoid them.

Making the day more about another mother

Having heard horror stories from moms who were expected to cook, clean, and cater to their own mothers or mother-in-laws, we just have to get this one in here. Mother’s Day is a time to honor all moms. And by honor, we do not mean ‘make suffer quietly while she serves cake.'
Okay, yes, somewhere out there is a mother who would love one, if not all, of these gifts, but by and large, the rest of us would be thrilled if you'd avoid them.

Things for the kids
Save the diaper bags, craft supplies, and memberships to children’s museums for baby showers and kid’s birthdays--Mom deserves a grown up gift.
Okay, yes, somewhere out there is a mother who would love one, if not all, of these gifts, but by and large, the rest of us would be thrilled if you'd avoid them.

ehehe worst or not?but I think the best gift one can give their mom is to ask what they most would like. If you are going to celebrate it, many moms don't want gifts or like in my case my mother has everything she needs or wants, so what's wrong with asking? Also, Some moms love to share the day with their spouse and/or kids and others really want the day to themselves.